Dicing with Death ~ Winner or Sinner? Our Choice.

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Ya Ikhwanul Muslimin na wal Mukminat. Today I am inviting you to think about the inevitable. Our Last Moment here on Earth. Our Death. Ajal.

Is there any guarantee that we would be in Allah’s good graces when our Time is up? Just like the metronome, our fate depends on what we are up to at the very second the Malaikatul Maut @ Angel of Death, Sayyidina Izra’il Alaihis Salam comes a calling upon us.

You never know whether we are going to Heaven or Hell depending on our last deed here on Earth?

In Surah Al Munafiqun, Chapter 63 Verse 10, Allah Azza Wa Jall reminds us to be in His Path using what He has provided us with for if and when Death approaches us, we would be inclined to ask for a postponement in order that we would then be charitable in the hope of ending up among the righteous.

So, in a way, we are all dicing with Death. The Choice of being a Winner or get caught up with our moment of Death where we would be classified as a Sinner!

Would we get to pass away from this Life in Husnul Khatimah @ The Best of Ending or end up in Su’ul Khatimah? The Worst of Ending’s? Na’uzubillah! May Allah Forbid!

Death is inevitable. It doesn’t care if you are a Royal King or ordinary Commoner. Even if you are being surrounded by the best doctors and specialists of the world, when your time is up, you will die. Period.

Don’t wait to be a Muslim till you are already breathing your last on your deathbed. Sure, your entire record of sins which you have committed are erased and deleted from your accounts the minute that you declare your attestment of faith @ Shahadah towards Allah the Almighty and attesting that Muhammad is the [Final] Messenger of Allah but surely embracing Islam and living your life as a Muslim whilst you are young and healthy would be much more meaningful.

Be thankful that you are still alive by the Grace and Mercy of Allah and getting to read and understand all that is being shared here in this article.

You owe it to yourself to decide where you wish to end up after leaving this earthly existence. Choose where you want your soul to be after your death.


Heaven or Hell?

Your Choice.

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